I am the Quantum Lead Research Scientist at the NCSA, UIUC. My research activities focus on on understanding complex systems at multiple scales through theory, modeling and computation. Quantum computing, statistical physics and agent-based modeling as the core tools I harness to reveal unexpected properties of systems. Additionally, my work applies of this theoretical and computational toolbox to global risks and security.
- Higher algebra
- Stochastic methods
- Statistical physics
- Tensor calculus and geometric algebra
- High-level quantum programming language design
- Quantum computing
- Agent-based modeling
- Digital twins
- Array programming languages
- New quantum algorithms for biomedicine
- Global security challenges
- Computational epidemiology
- Economic-environmental couplings
- Articial Intelligence writ large
- Visual Analytics, NCSA - UIUC
- Illinois Quantum Science and Technology Center (IQUIST), UIUC